Marañon | Cashew | Anacardium occidentale |
One of the more exotic plants. The fruit with the nut looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss children's book. Locals eat the fresh fruit The shell of the nut is toxic, so it must be removed and then the nut must be roasted properly to not have poor digestive side effects. Parrots love these trees.
Guanabána | Soursop, Prickly custard apple | Annona muricata |
The soursop is a very desirable tropical fruit, recognized as one of the new "Super Fruits" with antioxidant qualities. Its fruit is large and quite soft when fully ripe with greenish yellow spike like growths on the outside. Unfortunately usually there is not much abundance of fruit on each tree. The flesh is white and tends to have a mucous type aspect to it. Don't let that put you off because it is delicious eaten alone or used in a...
Fruta de Pan | Breadfruit | Artocarpus altilis |
Breadfruit trees have wonderfully large unique thick leaves with deeply cut pinate lobes. They produce an abundant of fruit which can be prepared in several ways. My father insisted we grow these since he had them at his nursery in Grand Cayman. It took us a while to find them. They are a favorite cocktail hour food in our family ... adults and great grandchildren alike. Sliced thinly and cooked in a little oil till light golden brown with a...
Carambolo | Starfruit | Averrhoa carambola |
Small tree. Great tropical fruit used in a variety of ways from being eaten plain, used in salads , juice, preserves, relishes , etc. Cocobolo Tree Farm carries two types Carambola "dulce" or "acido". The fruit is rich in anti oxidents, potassium, and vitamin "C" . Low in sugar. The riper the fruit the more sugar content.
Tamarindo | Tamarind | Tamarindus indica |
Small to medium size tree. Flowers at various times of the year. Flower color is white to yellow-white. Fruit is made into a refreshing drink. Nice, compact form. Gardens and parks."The tamarind tree produces edible, pod-like fruitwhich are used extensively in cuisines around the world. Other uses include traditional medicines and metal polishes. The wood can be used in carpentry. Because of the tamarind's many uses, cultivation has spread around the world in...
Manzana de agua | Mountain apple: Malay, Water, or Rose apple | Syzygium malaccense |
A unique beautiful tropical tree. admired for its flowers and fruit.
Guayaba rosada | Apple guava (pink) | Psidium guajava rosada |
Evergreen, moderate tree-height can reach 3 to 5 feet high. Native to Central America. It grows well in tropical and subtropical regions. Tolerates drought and very high temperatures, The red varieties with their leaves and fruits make them an ornamental favorire for gardens.
Guayaba China | Guava (chinese) | Psidium guajava china |
The fruit is not only enjoyed by humans, but by mammals and birds as well. It is eaten raw or used in drinks, preserves, and other ways.
Cas Ácido, Guyaba de Costa Rica | Cas | Psidium friedrichsthalianum |
The fruit of a very tart species of guava. This is especially good as a fruit drink. Often the locals mix some sugar into it.
Guayaba de mono | Monkey apple, Needle flower tree, Perfume | Posoqueria latifolia |
Species: Posoqueria latifolia
Synonym: Solena latifolia
Origin: Mexico to Northern South America
Zone: 10a – 12b, 28°F minimum
Growth Rate: Fast
Flowering Month(s): March - May
Leaf Retention: Evergreen
Messiness: Medium
Salt Tolerance: Low
Drought Tolerance: Low
Nutritional Requirements: High
Typical Height: 8-20 ft. (2.4m-6 m)
Uses: Garden, Park, Specimen, StreetscapeOther details: This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies...
[OUT OF STOCK] Manga Tommy Atkins | [OUT OF STOCK] Mango "Tommy Atkins" | Mangifera indica 'Tommy Atkins' |
Mango Atkins is valued for its color, desease resistance and strong shelf life with the ability to be stored and handled.It is one of the most popular commercial mangos the market today.
Manga Mora | Mango "Mora" | Mangifera indica 'Mora' |
Purplish fruit. Full foliage tree. Between 1-2100 meters.
Manga Kit | Mango "Keitt" | Mangifera indica 'Keitt' |
"Keitt mango fruit is ovoid-oblong; skin color is pink with less than 30% red. Their average weight is 500 to 600 grams. It has virtually no fibers on flesh being very suitable to eat with spoon. The small seed size. The eating quality of this fruit is excellent and has a long shelf life. The growth habit Keitt mango tree is characterized by long, arching branches with poor growth in the...
Manga Irwin | Mango "Irwin" | Mangifera indica "Irwin" |
The 'Irwin' mango is a commercial mango cultivar which was developed in South Florida.The fruit gained commercial acceptance due to its good production, flavor, relative disease resistance, and attractiveness.'Irwin' fruit is of ovate shape, with a rounded base and a pointed apex, lacking a beak. The smooth skin develops an eye-catching dark red blush at maturity. The flesh is yellow and has a mild but sweet flavor and a pleasant...
Manga "Cava" | Mango "Cava" | Mangifera indica "Cava" |
Locals call a mango we carry here Mango Cava. It is our nursery farm manager's favorite. Any additional information on this plant would be greatly appreciated.
Naranja Washington | Washington navel | Citrus sinensis washington |
Delicious, seedless, easy-peeling citrus.
Naranja Valencia | Valencia Orange | Citrus sinensis valencia |
Primarily grown for processing and orange juice production, Valencia oranges have seeds, varying in number from zero to seven per fruit. However, its excellent taste and internal color make it desirable for the fresh markets, too. The fruit has an average diameter of 2.7 to 3 inches (70 – 76 mm).
Naranja Ortanique | Ortanique | Citrus sinensis ortanique |
Ortanique is reported to have been found on Jamaica around 1920. Because of the presence of wild orange and so-called tangerine trees (local mandarins) in the vicinity of the original tree and the distinctive features of the fruit, it was considered to be a natural tangor, and was given the name Ortanique. The name was a synthesis coined from or(ange), tan(gerine), and (un)ique or jama(ique). Ortanique is an orange × mandarin hybrid that is cultivated in...
Orlando Tangelo | Citrus tangelo Orlando |
The Orlando is a sibling to the Minneola Tangelo . The leaves of Orlando tend to be cupped, and the fruit is almost round or slightly flattened. The rind is orange, thin, slightly textured, and not easily peeled. The flesh is orange, juicy, and sweet. Its skin is harder to peel than the Minneola. The size and shape are tangerine like with an average diameter of 2 3/4 to 3 inches, with the color and texture more closely the color of an orange. Flesh orange-colored; tender,...
Caimito | Star apple | Chrysophyllum cainito |
This tree has lovely leaves and edible fruit. Cocobolo Tree Farm carries the purple variety. Chrysophyllum cainito is a tropical tree of the family Sapotaceae. It is native to the Greater Antillesand the West Indies. It has spread to the lowlands ofCentral America and is now is grown throughout the tropics, including Southeast Asia.[1] It grows rapidly and reaches 20 m in height.It has numerous common names...
Limon dulce | Sweet lemon | Citrus limetta |
Known as sweet lime, lemon limonsón or Rome ( Citrus × limetta ), more lemon-like in size, skin thickness and color, is distinguished mainly by its very low astringency and by the characteristic nipples at both ends.
Mamón chino | Rambutan | Nephelium lappaceum |
This is again a Dr Seus like crazy looking fruit with small spines on the outside. it is a refreshing fabulus little fruit often sold on the roadside in Costa Rica and is closely related to the lychee, longan, and mamoncillo. A species regularly sold in Costa Rican markets may be known as "wild" rambutan. Yellow in color, it is smaller than the usual red variety. The flesh exposed when the outer skin is peeled off is sweet and sour,...
Toronja flame | Pink Grapefruit | Citrus paradisi |
Our version of Pink Grapefruit has a thick easily peel able skin. Although the fruit texture is somewhat more fibrous and less uniform in shape than the commercial ones sold in the states the fruit is sweet and delicious. It is a favorite part of our breakfast or snack to have a slice or two.
Naranja malagueña | Malagueña | Citrus sinensis "malagueña" |
Ci!rus sinensis (L.) Osbeck. Variedad Malagueña. Su determinación botánica es bastante difícil, por ser el producto de un indeterminado número de cruces. Sin embargo, sus caracteres ya se han fijado y se pueden reproducir exactamente. Son árboles muy parecidos a los naranjos criollos, pero las frutas, general
mente de color amarillo pálido o verdoso, son de un sabor dulce, más bien...
Minneola Tangelo | Citrus tangelo |
The Minneola tangelo (sometimes misspelled "Mineola") is a cross between a Duncan grapefruit and a Dancy tangerine, and was released in 1931 by the USDA Horticultural Research Station in Orlando. The skin is usually thin on the Minneola and should peel fairly easily. Most Minneolas have a stub protruding neck stem which gives them a bell shape.
Mandarina Clementina | Mandarin Clementine | Citrus reticulata "clementine" |
Small citrus tree originally coming from Japan. The mandarin orange is a variety of the orange family. The mandarin cultivar "Clementine" sometimes is known as the "Christmas orange." The exterior is a deep orange colour with a smooth, glossy appearance and the can be separated into edible 7- 14 segments.
Limón Cidra | Lemon, Citron, Cider | Citrus medica Linn. |
This fruit is larger than the common lemon. Its leaves , fruit, and skin are used for medicinal purposes. It is also used in juice, confectionery, etc."The cider comes from a shrub or small tree of slow growth that reaches 8 to 15 feet (2.4-4.5 m) tall, with thorny branches and spines short or long in the axils of the leaves. The leaves are evergreen , lemon scented, oval- lanceolate or elliptical oval, 2 1/2 to 7 inches (6.25-18 cm)...
Limón criollo, limón ácido | Key Lime, West Indian Lime | Limonia aurantifolia |
This shrub originallly came from southeast Asia. It gorws no higher thatn 12 feet high, with slender branches that have short spines. A great small lime for drinks and of course perfect for making the famous Key Lime Pie. A wonderful addition to one's garden.
Limón Mesino | Persian Lime, Tahitian Lime | Citrus latifolia |
This seedless lime has green- yellow pulp with juice that is sour and fragrant. It has a thin outside skin thin and is always green but color can vary in intensity.
Mandarina reina | Mandarin orange "Queen" | Citrus reticulata, var. Reina |
Mandarina Reina (Citrus reticulata, var. Reina) adaptación desde los 400 a 1,100 msnm, fruto alargado, color de
pulpa anaranjada, sabor dulce, corteza gruesa, bastante semilla, tamaño grande?
Manga rosa | Pink mango |
This tree has a beautiful uniform shape. Any additional information on this Mango tree would be greatly appreiciated.
Limon verdelli | Summer lemon |
Vedelli refers to a type of lemon originating from Sicily,Italy. . It also refers to the seasonal time it fruits from June to October in other parts of the world. ?The verdelli is bigger and juicier than the lemon cidra. It is often light greenish yellow in shade but has a more typical shape that North Americans are used to.
Fruta milagrosos | Miracle Fruit | Synsepalum dulcificum |
Miracle fruit is an evergreen shrub that produces tiny red berries. The fruit itself is bland with no scent however the pulp when eaten with sour fruits makes them turn sweet. Originally looked into to help diabetics control their sugar levels when desiring to taste something sweet it has been used in medicines and for cancer treatment patients to get rid of metalic taste they often experience. The fruit will surprise you when you discover its...